
Running mac mini as a server
Running mac mini as a server

  1. #Running mac mini as a server how to#
  2. #Running mac mini as a server install#
  3. #Running mac mini as a server update#
  4. #Running mac mini as a server pro#
  5. #Running mac mini as a server password#

The process went absolutely smoothly and within a couple of moments I was looking at a pristine copy of my blog running on my Mac mini.

running mac mini as a server

In VaultPress, I simply provided the SSH login details to the my mini, and clicked go. for times when you might want to migrate your site from one host to another. And so while setting up a new WordPress site on my mini, I thought I’d try out VaultPress’s ability to restore a backed-up WordPress site to an alternate location, e.g. I use VaultPress to maintain a backup of my this blog, which also runs WordPress.

#Running mac mini as a server password#

The easiest part was installing WordPress, which just involved going to, downloading WordPress 4, and unpacking its files in the folder I’d created to contain my website.Īfter that was done, I renamed wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php, opened it in BBEdit, and edited the MySQL username and password and the name of the database I’d created for the website.Īnd with that done, I visited my new website in a browser, and was successfully greeted with the WordPress installation and setup screen.

#Running mac mini as a server pro#

Once MySQL was up and running, I used Sequel Pro to connect to my mini securely via SSH, and create the database table I would use for my WordPress site. In any case, I was able to set the MySQL root password by doing the following from the Terminal (inserting my password in the quotes, of course): cd /usr/local/mysql/bin Today’s December 10th, so I guess they’re still working on it.

#Running mac mini as a server update#

A note on the script hints that it needs tweaking for Yosemite, and that an update will be available on December 9th.

running mac mini as a server

The script downloads and installs MySQL, installs a preference pane from which you can start and stop the server, sets up the server’s root password and copies that password for you to a text file on the desktop.įor me, that all worked fine except the part about setting the root password.

#Running mac mini as a server install#

The easiest way to install MySQL is running the following command from the Terminal, which downloads and executes a script maintained by the folks at Mac Mini Vault. You can override this on a per-site basis by clicking “Edit Advanced Settings” and enabling the. By default, OS X Server prefers to control access with its own users & groups settings. The correct running of WordPress requires access control via an. _Creating the new site in Server.appīack in Server.app, I created a new site, leaving all the default settings in place, except for the specification of a non-default location for the website files, as mentioned earlier in this article. Once BBEdit could login as root, I could then edit the Apache configuration file, changing the default user/group (i.e. I already had my SSH key in my local user’s authorized_keys file, and was able to safely get it into root by doing the following (note that it was the only entry in my authorized_keys file): sudo su - rootĬat /Users/matt/.ssh/authorized_keys > /var/root/.ssh/authorized_keys In order to edit the file remotely using BBEdit, I needed to be able to login to the machine as root using BBEdit, which I accomplished by adding my SSH key to root’s authorized_keys file. The way I chose to accomplish this was to run Apache under my local user’s name and group, instead of the default Apache user/group-_Only the root user can edit this file, and I know next to nothing about editing files in a Terminal window. In order for WordPress’s one-click updating to work, the Apache web server process needs permission to write into the folder containing your website files. My preference, however, is to store my files in the Sites directory in my home folder: When you create websites using Server.app, its default location for storing your website files is: /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites

running mac mini as a server

So the first step was starting Server.app, version 4 for OS X 10.10 Yosemite, connecting to my mini, turning on Websites, and enabling PHP web applications (since WordPress is a PHP application). I wanted to setup my website using the stock OS X Server resources, and without using something pre-packaged like MAMP.

running mac mini as a server

After a few struggles and speed bumps, I finally got a site up and running, and wanted to document the process here, pulling together the various bits of information I compiled along the way.

#Running mac mini as a server how to#

I have an internet-hosted Mac mini running OS X Server, and recently decided to figure out how to host websites on it, and in particular, WordPress websites.

Running mac mini as a server